The Power Plant - 231 Queens Quay W, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2G8
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This publication was produced in conjunction with the 1995 group exhibition Press/Enter: Between Seduction and Disbelief. The exhibition was curated by Louise Dompierre and adjunct curators, Derrick de Kerchove and Robert R. Reilly. The exhibition featured work by Sylvie Bélanger, Jim Campbell, Edmond Couchot, Luc Courchesne, Christine Davis, Monika Fleischmann, Catherine Ikam, John Massey, George Bures Miller, Christian Möller, David Rokeby, Julia Scher, and Bill Spinhoven.
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The Power Plant is Canada's leading art gallery devoted exclusively to contemporary art by artists from Canada and the world. We aim to share art with wider audiences through free admission to our exhibitions, public programs, and educational publications.